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What I’m Reading

This past month, my husband and I decided to begin listening to audio books together. It has been such a fun bonding experience and has spurred many great conversations. We find we only get to listen to them when we drive somewhere together or in the evenings before going to sleep. But, even with these limitations, we’ve still managed to listen to White Fang and Alas, Babylon.
I’m also listening to the unabridged Les Miserables and reading it when I can.
I’m reading two books for adult colloquiums: Farmer Boy and Carry On, Mr. Bowditch
Our Relief Society is reading the entire Book of Mormon in 3 months. They laminated a schedule for us and covered a new copy of the Book of Mormon for each of us. I’m currently more than halfway through Mosiah.
As a family, I’m reading aloud: The Hobbit (at night with hubby home), The Golden Fleece (during the day doing Power of an Hour), and Transform: How Everyday Things Are Made.
Still plugging away on Don Quixote about 10 pages at a time.
Also reading: Will Mrs. Major go to Hell? (Humor), The Magic (inspirational), AntiCancer (health), and The New Wellness Revolution (business).
What is on your reading stack?