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Books and Friends
I get distracted by other books. I have a pile I’m working on currently and as I wander into different rooms in my house and see the books on the shelves I have to take a book into my hands and browse through about twenty to thirty pages…then into the currently reading pile it goes.
It’s not just physical books either. I have a list I want to read on Audible and
kindle. Having the new Amazon Kindle subscription is not making my to-read pile any smaller. But I’m not complaining. No, no. Quite the contrary. I love it. It fills my heart with joy knowing I’m learning about the world around me.
The book is made up of twenty-six letters in the alphabet created into numberless words, phrases, sentences, thoughts and emotions in print. They contain ideas and stories. They warm the heart and fill the mind. They fill you with suspense, make you cry, give you courage to endure and try again. Some days I wish I could read so much faster. I want to devour these books and improve my mind. I want to be a part of the Great Conversation and some days I don’t feel like I get enough time to read. Can I just turn the books upside down and pour those words, meanings, stories, and wisdom into my brain? What would be the fun in that, though? Back to the daily reading.
My friend, Susannah has been visiting with us from Italy this past week. It’s been so fun to catch up. Our history together began when we were youth. We’ve both grown and married, became mothers, homeschool mothers, and are always learning many new things. It’s fun to share. It’s fun to talk and catch up. It’s so wonderful to exchange stories about our adventures in motherhood, church, living abroad, and just trying to get through life with honor, joy, and patience.
The intention of this visit was to be relaxed and to just catch up. We both had our piles of books to work on and it was fun sharing what we were reading. Books and friends are fulfilling perks in life.
As I write this, I’m sitting in my room with my laptop and my nursing baby girl. This evening I went through a wave of emotion which included feeling completely overwhelmed in what I do on a regular basis. I don’t want to get caught up in being distracted from the important things in life. I’ve always been a go-getter but that can often distract me and keep me away from my family. I’ve really been making an effort to be centered in home and family especially as my new baby gets overwhelmed when too much is going on. Poor darling. She has nine siblings, that’s enough commotion for one baby.
But, I want to change the world! I want to see the world. I want to connect with each child, and this list continues on and on. How do I keep up with my kids and businesses and marriage and have personal time? The quest everyone is on is how to conquer one’s soul and live ones mission. Oh, but distraction is everywhere. But, instead of being alone in this, I took it to God. My mind went back to the woman’s highest calling the home and family. In living into this with more enthusiasm, less distraction, more gratitude, and more contentment I can change the world.

And now I say good-bye to my friend as she heads back home to Italy. And I have a renewal in my mind and heart to seek after the best things.
