Happy Ears

Happy Ears

My very first post for this beautiful blog was in August of 2014 and was about how I “read with my ears” thanks to Audible. Since that post I have been asked many times over which audiobooks are family favorites in our home.


This post won’t have a lot of text, just a lot of book recommendations! 🙂 All of these books are, to our mind as a family, classics for one reason or another. Many of these books were purchased AFTER we had read the text together at Family Read Aloud or Kidschool simply because they were classics that I wanted to have the joy of sharing with my kids but once we were done they were already begging for a re-read. Some of these are books that we have discovered together over the lunch hour. We would pull out the next new to us classic and listen while we made, ate and cleaned up lunch. Some of these are kids’ books that have great value but I don’t enjoy reading! Audible is helping me out! Whatever the reason, we have portioned a hefty chunk of our homeschool budget for a very healthy audio library.


We have some priceless audiobooks not included in this list (Focus on the Family Radio Theater Narnia, for example). This list is strictly for the audiobooks which we purchased through Audible. MOST of these books were purchased for just a few dollars. You will need to evaluate your own Audible membership and where the price breaks are to see if these should be “credit” purchases or regular purchases.

If Audible is still a mystery to you, check out my original post on Audible where I try to demystify the membership details and show you where the price breaks are.


My children are 4, almost 6 and almost 8. Obviously my little guy is not listening fully to all of these. If they are on the list, however, it means that my almost 8 year old has completed them with or without the almost 6 year old sister.

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I am a homeschooling mom of three living very near the Big Woods of Laura Ingalls Wilder's early childhood. I love books, food, my husband, my babies and the Good Lord.

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