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The Rithmatist: Why We Loved Reading it

Whenever we’ve taken a vote throughout the year of everyone in the family’s favorite read-aloud-of-the-year. It is always, hands down, The Rithmatist by Brandon Sanderson.
Because I was curious what they loved so much about the book, I sat down with the family and asked the following questions and wrote down their answers.
We rate The Rithmatist 4 out of 5 stars.
How did this book change you?
1. I was inspired to be more dedicated and willing to learn.
2. It makes me what to do homeschool more diligently.
3. Anyone who has a passion for something can figure out to do it, and I know that includes me.
4. You don’t have to be born with talent or skill to be great and do great things. That includes us.
5. Anything’s possible, if you’re working hard and dedicated. I will never give up.
6. I was inspired to use my imagination more and believe in myself.
How does this book help you in your life?
1. Inspired to study harder to achieve my goals.
2. To be proactive in making my dreams come true.
3. Reminder to be dedicated to your life’s mission. Your life’s mission includes hardship.
4. A reminder to find a passion and work hard for it.
5. “Make Lincoln Logs” —yes, I had to include it for my 4 year old, Braedon AKA Fire Jack.
6. It makes me motivated to preserver more through my education.
7. I won’t give up.
What did you not like about the book?
1. The killing.
2. His disrespect to his mother.
3. He wasn’t very connected to his mom.
4. The search for power to fulfill the self.
5. The violence.
6. Melody’s negative attitude.
7. Sneaking around/breaking rules.
If there was something you could tell someone who was considering reading the book, what would you say?
1. It is filled with adventure and inspiration to learn.
2. The chalklings are imaginative and creative and interesting.
3. A good action and drama-my favorite. Adults would also enjoy this.
4. It has important lessons along with mystery and adventure.
5. It has a good mystery. I think ages 7 and up can understand it.
6. A page turner.
7. A good-action-packed book filled with a dash of mystery, drama, and lessons to learn from.
Don’t forget to watch this book trailer of it!